Location is everything

And GapMaps knows

everything about location

Identify nearby points of interest

See the Facts

Park the gut feel for a moment and look at the data that matters. You’ll find ours accessible and invaluable.

View and manage current, closed and future locations in their competitive context.

Hold the Knowledge

GapMaps’ unrivalled experience and understanding provides the most comprehensive analysis in the market.

When the biggest decisions are based on the most relevant facts and insights

Secure the Future

When the biggest decisions are based on the most relevant facts and insights, you can make them with confidence.

Why GapMaps

The costs of making the wrong decision are huge.

It’s why the world’s most successful companies look to us before making a call. In one simple platform, GapMaps reveals the most invaluable location intel.

Our real-time inputs and insights help you quickly understand where your competitors, locations, and customers are. Leading you to the right place for all the right reasons.

It’s why our clients have been proven right, again and again.

How We Can Help

Seize the opportunity.

GapMaps holds the latest and most valuable demographic, economic,
and social intel, providing the path to the right decisions. Here’s how:

GapMaps Live - Location Platform

GapMaps Live

Location Platform

You’re able to see from the big picture to the micro level, in one simple platform. Make the right call. Based on facts.
GapAdvisory - Business Strategy


Business Strategy

With an unrivalled experience and reputation, GapMaps experts have been getting it so right, for so long, for so many businesses.
GapInsite - Industry Intel

Data Products

Global Intel

The very latest POI and Demographic data for businesses with existing BI or GIS platforms.

GapInsite - Industry Intel


Mobile App

With GapMaps Connect, you can capture location intel on the move updated in GapMaps Live in real-time.


GapMaps - The world’s best location intel.

Where We Help

The world’s best location intel.

GapMaps have been proving the world’s most successful brands right for a long time. Such as India, Mena, Indonesia and Vietnam.

We’ll find you the right location, wherever you’re located.

Latest News

Fill in the gaps.

To make the right decisions you need the right inputs.

Apr 2024 | News

Optimising Your Business with GapMaps on AWS Data Exchange

In today’s competitive landscape, making the right location-based decisions can be the difference between a thriving business and a missed... ...

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New Zealand Dwelling Approval Insights
Oct 2023 | News

NZ Dwelling Approval Insights

NZ Dwelling Approval Insights ...

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Oct 2023 | News

Guarding Your Data: GapMaps’ ISO27001 and SOC2 Type 2 Certified

GapMaps has officially obtained ISO27001:2022 and SOC2 Type 2 certifications through an independent auditor. ...

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May 2023 | Case StudiesNews

Why Greenfield’s Population Growth Matters

Anytime Fitness India fast tracking approvals for new locations as it expands across the country ...

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Mar 2023 | News

Mall Of The Future – What we learned and key takeaways

Mall Of The Future – What we learned and key takeaways ...

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Sep 2022 | Press Release

GapMaps appoints two non-executive directors to its new Board

GapMaps, an Australian location intelligence provider, has appointed Elizabeth Aris and Gary Cox as non-executive directors to assist with the... ...

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Understanding store catchments
Aug 2022 | News

How to Optimise Retail Site Selection

There are few business decisions that can impact a company’s bottom line more than the decision to invest in a... ...

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Childcare operators must look beyond the ‘deserts’ to pinpoint new locations
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Childcare operators must look beyond the ‘deserts’ to pinpoint new locations

Other than during a period of national emergency, such as the recent COVID pandemic, it is unusual to see the... ...

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May 2022 | News

Getting ready for Australia Census 2021

Getting ready for Australia Census 2021 ...

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Big Guns: where to post-COVID?

Big Guns: where to post-COVID? ...

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They were proven


“GapMaps provides the high-quality data and insights necessary for us to develop and refine our network strategy. The GapMaps platform is very simple to use, meaning that we’re better able to connect our business decision making with data and effectively communicate those decisions to stakeholders. The ability to toggle between travel time and radius catchments has greatly improved our understanding of our catchment areas and market coverage.”

GapMaps quotes

Andrew Hume | CEO
Early Childhood Management Services

"Gapmaps helped us make smarter decisions on site location using defined demographics/profiles and ranking areas. Immediacy of information adds significant value in trade discussions"

GapMaps quotes

Data and Insights Manager
Food and Beverages

"Before GapMaps we were using one of the global mapping software products. We’ve found the GapMaps data to be more granular and accurate and the platform is so much easier to use."

GapMaps quotes

Business Development Executive
Grocery Sector

“The only tool you need”
A pleasure to use a software that is rich with multiple layers of data allowing one to quickly ascertain all aspects of a site. There is no Gap Analysis tool better on the market.

GapMaps quotes

Leasing Executive
Commercial Real Estate

"GapMaps has a unique ability to create high quality location intelligence data and insights in some very data-challenged countries. The quality of their data and simple to use platform has enabled me to introduce world class market and network planning processes to businesses where network planning had previously been quite rudimentary."

GapMaps quotes

Pat McMichael Group MD and CEO
Eat‘n’ Go Ltd